Monday, April 27, 2009

Workman Family has been busy in April.

Joseph, Natalie, Daisy and Ceili all were in a play at school. Joseph was a member of the Very-Hairy Frowny-Face Tribe. Though he didn't frown much.
Daisy, Natalie & Ceili were all chameleons. They sang and danced and changed colors. Daisy tried out last year but got afraid during try-outs so didn't make it. This year was no problem. She had a good time.

This is Natalie & Joseph's second year in Missoula's Children's Theater. The theater group comes to our school and has try outs Monday. The cast is chosen that day and they have thier first rehersal. The rehearse the rest of the week and then perform on Saturday. Winds up being a very busy week.

The play was Robinson Crusoe. (But a very loose interpretation) Ceili was almost not in it. She missed the try out because she forgot her permission slip and came home on the bus. I took her to school with me to get the other kids. At the end of the tryouts it turned out everyone got a part so I asked the director if we could fit Ceili in. The director did a one-on-one tryout and Ceili did great. Looking the director in the eye the whole time and doing all she said.
All the kids had a great time.

Yes, we went to a Tea Party on Tax Day. I went alone during the day then took the kids with me later in the day for a short time. Aidan got into it the most making his own signs and standing at the curb the whole time. I'm not sure how much they really understood but they asked a lot of questions and learned some things about current politics.

This is Mariska's latest Anime costume. This is her second year running. There is a convention every year in Seattle. Both years she has made costumes using what we have at home. And that is her own hair. She cut it and bleached it out. It's teased up there but it is a short blond bob normally now. It actually looks very sophisticated.

This is Aria's newest art project. It is a friend of hers. She has been doing a lot of art lately and finding things she is interested in school too. She just needs to be challenged.


  1. Workmans! Great pictures! Keep sending them.. I can't wait for July to get to see everyone. Love ya G-Ma

  2. Love the second comment, Mom.


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