Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year from the cold cold Mid-West. Hope everyone is having a great new year and are safe and warm. It has been a great year for us. Alida is surviving, although she has been sick most of the last month. We love you all and send our best wishes for a great new year.

Friday, December 26, 2008

December in the Willamette Valley

Just wanted to drop a quick note to let everyone know we are all still here and kicking. We just got past Christmas, which was very nice. Gma and I had a pretty good time. We each got a few things that we wanted and can use. We went to Amber and Chris' house for more gifts, fun and diner. All had fun and felt the Christmas spirit.

Just so you can see, it does snow in the valley. These pictures were taken the week before Christmas. It was bad enough that I haven't been able to go to Portland for the last three weeks. The Eugene area melted pretty quick but the bad weather has continued up the valley for the last two weeks. It has been called the worst winter storm in this area in the last 28 years.

We have heard that Tina and family has been snowed in for the last two weeks up in her neck of the woods. We heard that it was cold and snowy in Indiana for Aaron and Alida. Shane tells us that it is rainy in Chino Hills. Sounds like we are all experiencing foul weather.

Jared made it up here to see his girlfriend, Tara. He did manage to get in a few minutes with family. I understand where he is coming from. I don't blame him but it would be nice to spend a little more time.

It sure would be nice to hear from more of you not this blog, after all, it is a family blog.

Love ya all

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Well it was a great thanksgiving for this part of the Bingham clan. There were 17 people at our house for dinner. Which was almost perfect except that at the appointed, 3:00 as every good Bingham knows, Amber found two very not cooked turkeys. So dinner was 2 hours later then intended but if I do say so myself it was very good. Although you would thing that a 25 pound turkey, a 15 pound turkey and a ham would be enough meat for any army but apparently it was just barley enough. Two days after turkey day there is almost no left overs and pie was gone with in a day and a half. eight pies just don't go as far as they use to.
Any way tomorrow we are all back to work or school and life goes back to normal, well I would not go clear to normal I don't even know what that is. Keep your eyes open for the list of sybling gift exchange list it will be in your email soon.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This old world of ours is built on the backs of real heros. I just wanted to share one of them with you. I want you to know that it takes a real cowboy to be seen with this look. I'm sure everyone will respect he courage required to be, not only a hero, but a real cowboy.
Enjoy Gpa

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hi all! Wondering what everyone's Thanks Giving plans are? I know the Wright/Skeen and Workmans will be with us.. How about you three boys? I'm looking forward to not doing all the cooking, Amber has a house big enough to invite us there this year. Thank You Amber & Chris. No news on our house, a few looki loos but that is all. GPa had another surgery on his eye to correct the astigmatism, he is doing ok, still healing. thats about all the news from Oregon. talk to ya soon. Gma

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I wanted to let all you know I'm comeing up to Oregon for Christmass again this year since this is the last year in the house for Mom and Dad. So here's your warning. not just santa is coming to town.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Tina's B-Day

Happy Birthday to Tina from all of us. Don't want you to get by without a birthday wish from your family. I hope you are doing something fun and for your self on your day.
Love Ya Gpa and Gma

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Well family, the latest news on me is workin like a maniac travelin all over the US. Am workin out my shoulder since it's the only thing still not in full working order. Saw a doctor today and he sugdested an MRI on my shoulder spacificly cause he is pretty sure I tore my rotator cuff. Which if that turns out to be the problem meens surgery. Personally I don't wanna get cut up but gotta do what I gotta I guess. Gettin old sucks!! LOL

Monday, October 27, 2008

Just a few words about Gma and Gpa and our short trip to the homestead in Montpelier. We went there the weekend of General Conference and spent 3 days. It was quite a lot of fun as always. We both really enjoy the town and people. The picture here is one of the fun things we did. We decided to go exploring and found ourselves in Soda Springs about 30 miles from our house. This is a picture of the gyser that is in the middle of town. It goes off every hour on the hour. It is controlled by a timer installed when they decided to cap it off. It was fun to see. When we get the chance to be there together we will have to see it all together. We met a retired couple there that was fun to talk to and really made us want to get retired so we could enjoy the same things.
This is a picture of the front of the homestead. We really are pleased with it and are looking forward to moving in. We are progressing toward it. Tomorrow we sign papers with a Realtor who is going to list our house. We are pretty confident that because of the type property it is that it should sell fairly easily. Who knows, we may be homeless in a couple of weeks. I really would be a transient Bishop then.
Hope you enjoy the latest update.
Love to all Gma & Gpa

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gavin update

So, latest word is he is in a shelter back in Portland. Confirmed by Justin, the guy he came here with. I guess they are trying to get a place together again. 

 Just wanted to let everyone know the latest.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Emily's article

Kind of fun news Emily got an article she wrote published in the register guard. Here is a link to the article if you would like to read it.

I am not sure where she got to be so opinionated from????? Not one of my children.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gavin update

I was about ready to file a missing person report, but decided to call his friends again first to see if they'v heard anything. 

One friend said, he hasn't personally talked to him but a co-worker has and she said Gavin went back to Portland.

I hope that is confirmation that he is ok and just going back to where he feels more comfortable.

That is all I have for now.


Monday, October 13, 2008


I Just told Mom yesterday that I would do Thanksgiving at my house this year. All are welcome. Let me know.


Sunday, October 12, 2008


So, I always seem to be the one to ask first, but does anyone have any idea what they are doing for Thanksgiving? 

I would like to come down to Eugene with my crowd if the family is getting together. I am willing to host if you all would like to come here.

What about you boys? Any plans to join family for Thanksgiving or Christmas? I'd love to see any or all of you. It's been a while, especially Shane and Jared.



Saturday, October 4, 2008


So, I figured this is the place to let everyone know what is going on so I would update you on Gavin.

Basically, he is missing again.

I'm not sure where he is or if he has a place to stay or what.

Last I knew he was staying with a friend in Seattle. He had a job. I talked to him and he sounded up beat.

Then his friend calls me to tell me he quit his job and moved out of the apartment. When I went on-line to contact him through my space, I found is account was closed. This was two weeks ago.

I've e-mailed Jonathan to ask him to let me know if Gavin contacts him, but I don't have anything else I can do now but pray.


Hi all, here is a video of me at our last scout camp. They had a pigeon shooting deal set up, so I grabbed the 12 gauge and hit 4 out of 5. Not bad for a guy who has never done that before. I know it has been forever since I updated my blog but I have just put up some things for you all to check out. Alida and I are doing pretty good. School is OK I am learning new things every time I go so I suppose that means it is working. I hope to be attending the University of Indiana in the fall term of 2009. Hope all is well with everyone. Between Jareds accident and Mariskas surgery, I hope we are at an end to pain and suffering for a while in the family. We love you all.

Aaron, Alida and Mali

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mariska's surgery

All went well. 

We went in at 8:45 am and were home before noon. She went straight to bed as expected and I headed to the store for popcicles and such. 

By the time I go home she was up and dressed. She did talk the first day though it hurt. She wouldn't eat or drink much so I had to force her. 

Tuesday was her worse day. She was nauseous all day and the doctor was threatening to put her in the hospital to give her an IV for fluids.  But we got through it and she is drinking normally and eating some. 

 We went to the mall Friday. She tired out easily so I guess we will have to ease into school but she is going to church today and is a lot perkier than she has been.  So it looks like she is on the mend.

Now she just has to get used to not being spoiled anymore.


Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hello all

Well here I am everyone. Sorry to those who phone calls got ignored for the past few days but I've been kinda out of it. Good news is I am still alive and kickin. Bad news, I'm a little more banged up. Still working out the specifics of the crash and the nightmare after but am feeling much better. No broken bones just a sprained elbow a hand full of cuts on my forearm and elbow. Road rash on my arm as well. Gashes on my forehead and cuts on my face and neck from glass which I still keep pulling out of the strangest place. gonna put some pics up if you wanna see. Thank you for all your prayers and I promise to keep in better touch since I guess I'm not invincible.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

YYYYYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Good to hear the news Chris. welcome to the A-1 family. It is a good job and you will be working with some great people, just watch out for the G.M. he is kinda aunry and is likly to tell you to figure it out. School is going good but algebra is kicking my can, I am getting it but slowly. I have a good teacher and support system so I am confident that I will do good in the end. Alida is doing good and feel more luckier every day that she is married to such a wonderfull man. That may not be exactly how sht put it and she has never really said thoes exact words but I am sure that is how she feel. Love you all.

Aaron, Alida & Mali

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thank You Family

Great news!!!! Chris got a job!!! Thank you all for your prayers. I know it made a difference! He will be joining the family tradition and is becoming a hoser! He starts at A1 on Thursday. We feel very blessed to have this job and a great family. Hope all is well with all of you. If you have not posted yet, (Shane and Jared) DO IT!!! We all love you to keep in touch . Thank you again and We love you all.
Amber and Chris

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Workman update

So I talked to Mom and she said I should post here with family news.

School has started. Mariska is loving high school. She already has a circle of friends from band. She played with the high school band last year.

Aria is enjoying being the oldest in our family at her school but she is learning what it is like to have the same teacher's your sister did. They are giving her her own chance though. She is trying cross country track this year. We'll see how she like it.

The younger kids are all excited to be one year older and one grade higher. Ceili is starting kindergarten on Monday. She has been anxiously waiting for it while she watches the others go to school everyday.

In health news, Mariska will be going in to get her tonsils and adnoids out in a month or so. We don't have the exact date but the doctor said soon. And good news, the insurance is going to cover it 100%. So that is good. She will be sore for a week or so and will have to stay out of sport and PE for another week but that should be all then she will be able to breath better and we might be able to get her braces.

I guess that is it for now.

Love you all
Tina & family

Friday, September 5, 2008

We took a trip up to the Metolius River, located just west of Sisters, Oregon. The head waters of the rive comes right out of the mountain. It is ice cold and crystal clear. In years past we were able to see it pool up and move out as a pretty good sized river. This year the vegetation was thick and we weren't able to get the same view. We went on up the river to a fish hatchery where there was a pretty good hiking path along the river. Amber, Chris, Nathan, and Jaxon we're with us. The river is one of the prettiest that I have seen.
We stopped a Shahallie Falls on the way back and had another beautiful hike. This is a picture of G-ma next to the Mckenzie river. We think it looks like she is standing in front of a painting. It's for real.

Shahallie Falls has three drops and this is a picture of me in front of the second drop. The whole thing is a sight to behold. Wish would could share it with everyone in person.

Hope you enjoy this.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Here are a couple of pictures that were just fun for us. The first one is G-ma and I over looking Bear Lake. It is about 30 miles from our house in Montpelier. This is one of the things that attracted us to the area. I like it because it is open and not crowded with people. G-ma likes it because we live in town with neighbors. This is one of those having the cake and getting to eat it too things.

The second picture is G-ma's little piece of heaven in our back yard. Before she went to work on it, it was truly ugly with a stinky "cat pee" shrub (her term). I think it was a cedar shrub that really did smell like a cat box. She spent most of a day cleaning it out. It really looks good.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

G-ma first time on blog

Hi! Boy this family will do anything to drag me into this electronic world... I have to admit I love the communication.. how about Shane and Jared. G-pa says he has talked to you so get on line...PLEASE! Idaho was great, I had a blast and very little sleep. Every trip makes me more excited to move , but will miss the Eugene family a lot. G-Ma

Oh Happy Days

Gma got home yesterday, Tuesday the 26th, and Gpa is a happy man. It was a harrowing experience but with the usual; I might, with humility, add uncommon courage; I was able to sustain myself it her absence. I truly am happy she had a great and safe trip. I can't help but worry about those other fools on the road that would cause harm to the innocent.

Love to all

Monday, August 25, 2008

Gma and Gpa will keep you in our prayers and join your fast.

I think someone is a bit over the top with the puppy euphemisms.

Hang in there.

Love ya
The Indiana Bingham's are down with it. There are jobs in the mid-west.......I know you have to stay out there. We will remember you all in our prayers and on fast sunday.

Love Aaron, Alida & Mali ( a.k.a. Stinky butt, poopy face, ma ma and poopy face ma ma )

Help Family

Ok so most of you know that Chris is looking for work. We would like to ask anyone who is will to add us to your prayer and to keep your ears open for any job opportunities in our area. Also the next fast sunday we wanted ask if your willing will you add us in on your purpose for fasting. We are going to fast as a family. Thank you in advance. Any struggle is easier with the love of your family. I am sure some really smart person said that before me but I can't remeber who........... Knowing my family you are all saying "me" "me" about now but that is one of our greater qualities. Being Humble. Thank you again. Love you all Amber

Sunday, August 24, 2008

She is soooooo cute !!!!! We were playing catch in the back yard and apparently she got haot and decided to cool off in the plants.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Ok here we go the whole clan. From Oldest to youngest we are Chris, Amber,Chrissa, Codie, Emily, Nathan, Jaxon, Chance, Smantha, and Ella. Now guess who is who and who goes with whom. We are all doing well kids will start school next week yea!!! Emily is driving. The boys are driving us crazy. And the Grandkids are sweeter then candy. And yes they do call me Grandma Amber and I love it. The older two Chrissa and Codie are busy with kids and work but are never far away.

Glad to see the new blog. Hope all is going good for everyone. I start school this tuesday and am working part time along with my three callings. so should be an exciting few months for me. Take care.

Love Aaron & Alida & Mali
Alas - G-pa is on his own for a few days. G-ma has gone to Montpelier to spend a few days with her quilting buddies, "the Gabby Stitchers". She says I can't complain yet as she has a lot more getting even to do. I have to agree with her. She spent a lot of time at home with the kids, while I was away with the the Navy and Scouts.

All that said - I still do better when we are together. Pathetic isn't it!

Love to all

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

As promised I have finally set up the family blog. As we use this together it will begin to grow into something that will be fun, entertaining, and informative. I am posting this and a picture, that I will remove later, just to get the feel. Let's all have fun and enjoy.
