Sunday, November 30, 2008

Well it was a great thanksgiving for this part of the Bingham clan. There were 17 people at our house for dinner. Which was almost perfect except that at the appointed, 3:00 as every good Bingham knows, Amber found two very not cooked turkeys. So dinner was 2 hours later then intended but if I do say so myself it was very good. Although you would thing that a 25 pound turkey, a 15 pound turkey and a ham would be enough meat for any army but apparently it was just barley enough. Two days after turkey day there is almost no left overs and pie was gone with in a day and a half. eight pies just don't go as far as they use to.
Any way tomorrow we are all back to work or school and life goes back to normal, well I would not go clear to normal I don't even know what that is. Keep your eyes open for the list of sybling gift exchange list it will be in your email soon.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This old world of ours is built on the backs of real heros. I just wanted to share one of them with you. I want you to know that it takes a real cowboy to be seen with this look. I'm sure everyone will respect he courage required to be, not only a hero, but a real cowboy.
Enjoy Gpa

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hi all! Wondering what everyone's Thanks Giving plans are? I know the Wright/Skeen and Workmans will be with us.. How about you three boys? I'm looking forward to not doing all the cooking, Amber has a house big enough to invite us there this year. Thank You Amber & Chris. No news on our house, a few looki loos but that is all. GPa had another surgery on his eye to correct the astigmatism, he is doing ok, still healing. thats about all the news from Oregon. talk to ya soon. Gma

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I wanted to let all you know I'm comeing up to Oregon for Christmass again this year since this is the last year in the house for Mom and Dad. So here's your warning. not just santa is coming to town.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Tina's B-Day

Happy Birthday to Tina from all of us. Don't want you to get by without a birthday wish from your family. I hope you are doing something fun and for your self on your day.
Love Ya Gpa and Gma