Saturday, September 6, 2008

Workman update

So I talked to Mom and she said I should post here with family news.

School has started. Mariska is loving high school. She already has a circle of friends from band. She played with the high school band last year.

Aria is enjoying being the oldest in our family at her school but she is learning what it is like to have the same teacher's your sister did. They are giving her her own chance though. She is trying cross country track this year. We'll see how she like it.

The younger kids are all excited to be one year older and one grade higher. Ceili is starting kindergarten on Monday. She has been anxiously waiting for it while she watches the others go to school everyday.

In health news, Mariska will be going in to get her tonsils and adnoids out in a month or so. We don't have the exact date but the doctor said soon. And good news, the insurance is going to cover it 100%. So that is good. She will be sore for a week or so and will have to stay out of sport and PE for another week but that should be all then she will be able to breath better and we might be able to get her braces.

I guess that is it for now.

Love you all
Tina & family

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